Visit this this link to view all peer-reviewed articles published by our faculty in 2021 and 2022.

All articles published by our faculty from 2021 to 2022 are listed below:

1Do, H.X., Le, T.H., Nguyen, B.Q., Le, M.H., and Pham, T.H. (2022) The impact of digital elevation model data sources on identifying catchment boundary in Vietnam. Vietnam Journal of Hydrometeorology. 2022, EME4, 262-271. doi:10.36335/VNJHM.2022(EME4).262-2

2Le, M.-H., Nguyen, B.Q., Pham, H.T., Patil, A.; Do, H.X., Ramsankaran, RAAJ., Bolten, J.D., Lakshmi, V. Assimilation of SMAP Products for Improving Streamflow Simulations over Tropical Climate Region—Is Spatial Information More Important Than Temporal Information? Remote Sens. 2022, 14, 1607.

3. Do, H.X., Le, M.H., Pham, T.H., Le, T.H., and Nguyen, B.Q., 2022. Identifying hydrologic reference stations to understand changes in water resources across Vietnam - a data-driven approach. Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 44(1), pp. 145–165. doi: 10.15625/2615-9783/16980.

4. Hong, Y., Do, H.X., Kessler, J., Fry, L., Read, L., Nasab, A.R., Gronewold, A.D., Mason, L. and Anderson, E.J., 2022. Evaluation of gridded precipitation datasets over international basins and large lakes. Journal of Hydrology, 607, p.127507.

5. Gudmundsson, L., Boulange, J.E.S., Do, H. X., Gosling, S.M., Grillakis M.G., Koutroulis, A.G., Leonard, M., Lui, J., Papadimitriou, L., Pokhrel, Y., Schewe, J., Zhang, X., Schmied, H.M., Seneviratne, S.I., Thiery, W., Westra, S., and Zhao, F. (2021), Globally observed trends in mean and extreme river flow attributed to man-made climate change. Science, 371(6534), 1159-1162

6. Fowler, H.J., Lenderink, G., Prein, A., Westra, S., Allan, R., Ban, N., Barbero, R., Berg, P., Blenkinshop, S., Do, H. X., Guerreiro, S., Haerter, J., Kendon, E., Lewiz, E., Schaer, C., Sharma, A., Wasko, C., Villarini, G., and Zhang, X. (2021), Understanding the intensification of short-duration rainfall extremes with global warming and the implications for flood hazard. Nat Rev Earth Environ 2, 107–122. 

7. Gronewold, A. D., Do, H. X., Mei, Y., & Stow, C. A. (2021). A tug‐of‐war within the hydrologic cycle of a continental freshwater basin. Geophysical Research Letters, 47, e2020GL090374.

8. Nguyen, L.D., Nguyen, H.T., Dang, P.D., Duong, T.Q. and Nguyen, L.K., 2021. Design of an automatic hydro-meteorological observation network for a real-time flood warning system: a case study of Vu Gia-Thu Bon river basin, Vietnam. Journal of Hydroinformatics23(2), pp.324-339.

9. Phuong, D.N.D., Hai, L.M., Dung, H.M. and Loi, N.K., 2021. Temporal trend possibilities of annual rainfall and standardized precipitation index in the Central Highlands, Vietnam. Earth Systems and Environment, pp.1-17.

10. Lap, B.Q., Thinh, N.V.D., Hung, N.T.Q., Nam, N.H., Dang, H.T.T., Ba, H.T., Ky, N.M. and Tuan, H.N.A., 2021. Assessment of rice straw–derived biochar for livestock wastewater treatment. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution232, pp.1-13.

11. Hung, N.T.Q., Ky, N.M., Nhut, H.T. and Van Tan, L., 2021. INVESTIGATING COMMUNITY HEALTH EFFECTS OF BIOAEROSOL POLLUTION IN HO CHI MINH MEGACITY, VIETNAM. Environmental Engineering & Management Journal (EEMJ)20(5).

12. Nguyen, L.D., Dang, P.D.N. and Nguyen, L.K., 2021. Estimating surface water and vadose water resources for an ungauged inland catchment in Vietnam. Journal of Water and Climate Change12(6), pp.2716-2733.

Page count: 2531
Last modify: 22-02-2023

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